Arabic calligraphers Kelk 2010 (Portable) برنامج الخط العربي

برنامج الكلك من افضل برامج تصميم الزخارف الإسلامية وبه العديد من الأدوات التي تساعد المصمم ان يعدل و يغير كما يشاء
Today, Arabic calligraphers are becoming very scarce, in a world dominated by electronic arts and media. As most today's digital arts were developed in the west, there are more and more challenges that face the Arabic calligraphy. Very few, if any, computer applications are designed to help developping the Arabic calligraphy and conserve its uniqueness compared to the Latin typo. One little exception that I'm aware of is a software called "Kelk" by SinaSoft( which is basically an Arabic calligraphy software that allows you to compose Arabic words and designs in several Arabic calligraphy styles.
4 comments: on "Arabic calligraphers Kelk 2010 (Portable)"
its fake my friend, it works, however it is Virus-Trojan Ridden. Check the 2010 version isn't even released yet. What you have here is 2000 version (mixed with 2007) pretending to be 2010 version. !! some hacker out there is very happy. becareful
I got infected by this damned software last week, real bad!! be careful. So, where can I buy an official clean version?
from their website Btw, the program is Persian and supports some Arabic/Islamic calligraphy styles as well.
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