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Friday, January 10, 2014

Teach Yourself Arabic (Teach Yourself Languages)

The Arabic taught in this course is the standard written language of more than 150 million inhabitants of the Arab states, ranging from Morocco in the west to Iraq in the east. The language in this course is based on the kind of material seen...

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Conjugaison 2.0

  Conjugaison 2.0 Fr 3750 verbes مع هذا البرنامج ستتمكن من تصريف 3750 فعل و حسب أي زمان شئت سهل في الإستخدام وبضغطة زر واحدة سوف تجد الفعل أمامك مصرفا لإلى كل الأزمنة الماضي ..المضارع .... الأمر .....المستقبل... وووووو الكثير الكثير....

Arabic verb conjugation

  البرنامج من تصميم الأستاذ / أزكري الحسين في 18 / 12 / 2006 ، صممه وقدمه هدية في بعض المواقع الإكترونية ، وأنا أضع لكم الرابط للتحميل ، داعيًا الله أن يجزل الأجر للأستاذ / أزكري ، ويكتب له الخير صنيع ما قدمه لخدمة طالبي اللغة العربية . ...

Sarf - Arabic Morphology System

  Sarf is an integrated software system (engine) that can generate arabic verbs, derivative nouns, and gerunds, and inflect them, starting from their triple and quadruple roots, depending on the grammar and morphology rules, and using the system...

Qutrub: Arabic verbs conjugator

  Qutrub conjugates an arabic verb with minimal input (Vocalized verb, present middle letter mark) in a generic way. It doesn't use classified models of verb conjugation. It detects the verb class and conjugates it in the appropriate form. ...

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Arabic Phrases For Dummies

 A concise, portable guide for communicating in Arabic Today, Arabic is spoken in more than 20 countries, and more than one billion people study Arabic for religious reasons. This practical guide offers help on basic Arabic words and phrases and...

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Intermediate Aarabic For Dummies

Intermediate Arabic For Dummies Looking to enhance your Arabic writing skills? Intermediate Arabic For Dummies gives you practical examples and useful exercises so you can practice writing the language like a native. From vocabulary and numbers...

Arabic calligraphers Kelk 2010 (Portable)

Arabic calligraphers Kelk 2010 (Portable) برنامج الخط العربي برنامج الكلك من افضل برامج تصميم الزخارف الإسلامية وبه العديد من الأدوات التي تساعد المصمم ان يعدل و يغير كما يشاء Today, Arabic calligraphers are becoming very scarce, in...

Monday, August 9, 2010

Arabic Today: A Student, Business and Professional Course

Arabic Today: A Student, Business and Professional Course in Spoken and Written ArabicPublisher: Edinburgh University Press / English arabic / MP3 / 47.22 MB This book offers a student, business and professional course in spoken and written Arabic...

1200 Arabic Fonts خـطوط عربية

Collections of 1200 Arabic Fonts 1224 Arabic Fonts/ 54 MB/ Format .TTF Over 1200 Arabic Fonts أكْـــثــر مِـــنْ 1200 خَـــطْ عَـربــِـي Download...