The student's Arabic-English dictionary (1884)
The Author's aim, in preparing the present volume, has been to provide the English student, at a moderate price, with a Dictionary which would enable him to read, not only Arabic books of a limited vocabulary, as the Qur'an, or of a comparatively easy and familiar style, as the Arabian
Nights; but also such other standard works of a wider etymological range, as the Hamdsah, the Mu'allaqnt, and, above all, the Maqdmdt of al-Hariri, which may, with the late Mr. Chenery, be aptly designated as a " Compendium of the Arabic Language " in all its intricacies and niceties. The dif&culty of such an undertaking lies in finding the golden mean between a merely alphabetical arrangement, which would swell the book into an inordinate size ...
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